Saturday January 4, 2025

Groundbreaking Protest

Opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline has taken to the ground to send a message.  It is part of publicity that a coalition has launched to persuade the President to reject the pipeline’s northern route to Canada.  Pressure on the President has increased over the last five years, but he keeps putting off the decision. […]

Punishing Persuasion

A Federal court has ruled that the Federal Trade Commission can sue companies that have had data breaches.  It is past time for such punishing persuasion.  Data theft is a daily occurrence now that puts consumers at peril.  Many companies have accepted it as the cost of doing business.  But, it isn’t.  It is poor […]

It’s Hardest On The Workers

Too often companies overlook workers when there is a product defect.  The company takes the blame and by extension those who built the product.  However, it is often not the workers’ fault.  They installed a defective part correctly and with pride.  Only later do they find out that the part is bad.  This is the […]

Words Won’t Stop Them

The Ukraine has passed the point of persuasion and plunged into force of arms.  The only relations with the public now must be one of power, especially since Russia is fomenting agitation in its eastern cities.  And from Russia’s point of view, why not?  Even if soldiers refrain from coming over the border, unrest compels […]

Damn The Cost

It is not often that an event occurs in which no one looks at the ledger for how much it costs.  That is apparently what is happening with the prolonged search for the missing Malaysia airplane.  Countries are spending what it takes to find the craft, and no one seems to have a precise answer for […]

Deja Vu

The Supreme Court has struck down restrictions on total dollar amounts donors can give to political campaigns.  Progressives are howling.  Their complaint is that big money interests will buy elections from now on.  Apparently they forgot history.  The flow of cash to campaigns historically was uncontrolled and the country functioned well.  If you have trouble believing that […]

5 Content Marketing Tips the TV Series Finale Teaches Us

How I Met Your Mother #HIMYM ended a nine-season run with its series finale earlier this week. And of course, like most series finales, it received mixed reviews. The critics in this instance are my content marketing colleagues. In fact #HIMYM inspired a broader discussion from which we pulled five lessons content marketers can take from […]

Culture Change

Not long ago, a Roman Catholic Bishop with red satin cincture, staff, mitre and the power of position could justify a mansion in which to live.  No longer.  Now a bishop apologizes to the laity for planning a multimillion dollar home.  This is the result of a culture change in the Roman Catholic Church brought […]

Stepping Into It

Can a comedian make a racially insensitive joke and get away with it online?  Apparently not.  Stephen Colbert is the focus of a Twitter campaign to cancel his TV satire show for offending Asian Americans.  Colbert has fired back and made a joke of the joke.    A satirist can sometimes do  that.  Anyone else […]