Saturday January 4, 2025

It Only Takes One

The mobile payments provider, Square, is learning a lesson that too many companies have had to absorb in the internet age.  It only takes just one unhappy customer to create a crisis.  In this case, a small merchant has detailed date, time and place of his mistreatment at the hands of the company.  It is […]


PR practitioners should never engage in satire.  Here’s why.  People will believe them.  In an effort to be funny, a practitioner can make things worse for those he or she is representing.  It is hard enough for satirists to write without someone accepting it at face value.  It is nearly impossible for someone fronting an […]

When Publicity Is Too Much

The creator of a popular game, “Flappy Bird”, has called it quits and taken down the game from distribution.  It seems he is upset by the amount of publicity for the game and for himself.  He just wants to get back to creating new challenges and being his own man.  His decision flies in the […]


The winter games in Sochi are supposed to highlight modern Russia, Putin’s leadership and the area around the Black Sea where warmth and snow blend.  But, there is mounting evidence that it might be a PR debacle.  It comes from trying to do too much too quickly at what appears to be an outrageous overrun […]

About Time

A major drug store chain has announced that it will stop selling cigarettes.  CVS is taking a $2 billion annual revenue hit to get out of the business of “cancer sticks.”  It is a great example of PR — doing the right thing even though it costs.  Give credit to the company that it finally […]

Is Sorry Enough?

Target’s CFO told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Target was deeply sorry so many of its customers were hacked.  Is that enough?  Not nearly.  Target along with every other retailer must take steps to make sure such a massive breach doesn’t happen again.  Consumers barely tolerate invasion of their personal financial data, and they don’t […]

Hype With A Purpose

True PR features what a company does and not just spin.  This then is true PR.  Tesla has just completed a cross-country trip with its electric vehicles using the lowest charge time recorded to date.  The firm is pushing to get into Guinness World Records.  Is it hype?  Yes, it is that, but it has […]

It’s A Game

It didn’t take long last night before I abandoned the TV and went to my room and read.  For all the hype, the Super Bowl is a game, and it wasn’t a good one.  From the first snap until I walked out shortly after the end of the first quarter, it was clear that the […]