Saturday January 4, 2025

A Curious Kind of PR

As a restaurant owner, what would you say to someone who offers to blog about you if you feed her family for free?  That’s not much of deal but a blogger is trying it in Philadelphia.  She is claiming that the PR value of what she will write will offset the cost of feeding five […]

Car Gal

In Detroit, observers have long made a distinction when talking about CEOs of auto companies.  There were “car guys” and “finance guys.”  Now, the distinction will have to include “car gals” with the announcement of General Motors new CEO.  This is a PR coup for the company, but it is more than that. Mary Barra […]

A PR Case Study

The botched roll-out of the Affordable Care Act exchanges has at least one positive.  It has become an instant study for PR firms who are using the mess to educate clients and prospects.  The administration did nearly everything wrong from beta testing through keeping the boss, Obama, informed.  It is understandable how this might have […]

Business Vs. Government

There are usually economic reasons for business and government to get along, but not in this instance.  Tech companies are worried that government spying on customers will send them fleeing to other services.  It is a legitimate concern.  Who wants to know that someone could be looking into everything one does or writes online?  It […]

Scale And The Minority

The CEO of Comcast, the cable-content giant, thinks complaints about the company are a matter of scale.  With more than a billion consumer transactions a year, a hundredth of a percent of customer fails is still too much.  He is right, and his view is instructive to PR practitioners.  On the internet, a tiny minority […]

Breach Of Promise

Detroit’s bankruptcy may result in a breach of promise to present and retired workers.  That promise is the retirement package that the city offered for decades.   One question left unasked is whether the city should have offered it in the first place.  Now, unions have to appeal the court’s decision and hope for the best. […]

Pathetic Attempt At PR?

It is a time-honored tactic that when an institution is under public attack, it provides employees with talking points to spread the “good word” about it.  The National Security Agency tried it this past Thanksgiving but not successfully.  The talking points quickly leaked to the online world and scathing denunciations followed.  The NSA is in […]

Playing The Pariah

Give this much credit to North Korea.  It plays the pariah of the world with panache.  How else to explain a forced confession from an 85-year-old American who fought in the Korean war in the early 1950s?  The country’s leaders have no reputation in the world and care less.  They glory in their contrariness and […]

Innovation And Publicity

Amazon is working on delivering packages by drone Octocopters.  Jeff Bezos unveiled the machines on 60 Minutes last night, but was careful to say it might take five years for the service to start and deliveries would be limited to a 10-mile radius of its distribution centers.  In other words, there is as much hype […]