Saturday January 4, 2025

Yesterday’s News

Old media continue to shrink and publicity opportunities with them.  Note here and here.  This has changed the work of PR practitioners as much as anything, but it is for the better.  Disappearance of traditional media has forced PR to use new media more quickly than it might have otherwise.  PR was caught in its […]

Emerging PR Crisis

The ethanol industry in the US is living in an emerging crisis, and it needs to ask hard questions about itself in order to survive an onslaught of negative publicity.  It is hard to remember that a few years ago, ethanol produced primarily from corn was considered a vital part of energy independence.  Then came horizontal drilling […]

A Crisis That Determines A Country’s Course

The Philippines crisis is of a magnitude that it could determine the course of the country, certainly of the political administration.  Its citizenry has been so devastated by 190+-mph winds and tidal surge that there is nothing left for hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of them.  Because the center of the typhoon was on an […]

What’s the Key to Social Sharing?

In reverence of the ink-stained ‎Hermann Rorschach, Google is doing it’s trademark logo morphing today. New to me is their addition of sharing tools to the homage, allowing you to share their creative effort when you rollover it (as shown in the above screen grab). Button, Button Who’s Got the (Share) Button?Including the ability to share […]