Thursday January 2, 2025

The Power Of Positive Perception

PR deals with perception.  How some one or an organization is viewed is a preoccupation of counselors.  Leaders too are aware of what others think.  They know that many have false perceptions of them for the good and some for the bad.  They try to instill the correct perceptions so they can get things done. […]


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Shooting Oneself In the Foot

If China should find that ethical drug companies were something other than ethical, it will be a case of Big Pharma shooting itself in the foot. Police allege that GlaxoSmithKline PLC used payoffs and “sexual favors” to advance its sales in the country.  It will be up to Chinese courts to prove whether they did […]


You may have seen already the study and recommendations from Edelman public relations for how to handle content generation.  If not, a discussion and link to the paper is here.  It is a praiseworthy effort on the part of Edelman to distinguish public relations from journalism and to play honestly in the media field.  Praiseworthy […]

How Do You Handle?

When the crowd starts booing at the introduction of your product, you have a PR problem.   That is the issue facing Microsoft with its Xbox One game machine.  Microsoft is a wealthy company.  It can buy as much advertising as it wants.  It could have salted the audience with paid supporters. What it can’t change […]

Rush To Judgment

There is no way to know whether George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin in cold blood or out of self-defense.  Many had pre-judged Zimmerman. A jury found him innocent.  The rush to judgment in this case was remarkable but not unprecedented.  There are usually a few trials each year that capture public attention.  PR counselors know […]


The last major PC magazine has stopped publishing and gone online.  I’m sorry to see PC World go.  It was one of a series of publications that appeared during the personal computer revolution, and it was a monthly education on hardware, software, networking, the internet and much else electronic.  But, time caught up with it and […]


The CEO of the train line whose derailed oil tankers burned the center of a Canadian town is showing a curious sense of leadership.  He has already blamed the engineer for the disaster but he doesn’t know the facts.  He stayed in his office for days before going to the scene of the horror because […]

Ripe For Radicals?

When governments fail their publics, the environment becomes ripe for radicals who propose simple solutions.  What isn’t said, however, is that simplicity often leads to more problems, to curtailment of speech and government controls that make things worse.  Witness Venezuela.  European countries have lost their publics for the time being and that is worrisome.  One or […]

Nothing Else To Do?

What does it say about disgraced politicians that they choose to run for office again?  That they have nothing else they can do?  This is the case with two New York pols who exited office because of sexual peccadillos.  One is a former congressman and the other a former governor.  Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer […]