Saturday January 4, 2025

Hard To Overcome

When you upset the government, it is hard to overcome the damage to your reputation and business.  That is the position Shell is in after its unsuccessful attempts to drill in Arctic waters.    Government’s unhappiness stems from an apparent lack of preparation for working in such a harsh environment.  In Shell’s defense, however, few […]

The Future Forever?

A future of all-electric vehicles might not have come — and it may never.  Electric vehicle makers are having troubles, and there is no guarantee they will survive.  How does one do effective PR for an industry that the public never quite accepts?  Electric vehicle makers are not alone.  Inventors and scientists have, for example, […]

Getting Ahead Of Facts

PR practitioners know from their first days in the business never to get ahead of facts, particularly in a crisis.  Scientists learn the same lesson when announcing discoveries.  That is why this come-down for Russian biologists is so embarrassing.  Some one jumped the gun, ignored peer review and leaked the news.  Now the Russian team […]

Perils of Self-Protection

Dentists are engaged in the same self-protection that physicians have used.  The tooth-tuners are resisting the introduction of dental therapists in states.  The reason is economics.  Dentists don’t want to sacrifice the income potential.  They are objecting on the basis of their superior training.  It is the same argument that doctors used to stall the […]

How To Wreck A Franchise

Electronic Arts has failed in a huge way with its launch of multiplayer Sim City.  By now, everyone has heard of the blackouts the company has suffered because of inadequate server capacity.  The mind-boggling mistake is elemental.  The first thing any launch manager should do is to plan for extra capacity, to have resources in […]

Great PR, Great Publicity

This almost certainly has been around the internet.  I’m late tipping to it.  It’s an example of great publicity and PR joined in a single action — making water from the air on a signboard in a desert.  One wonders who came up with the idea and who made it real.  The design was a […]

An Important Tip for Sustainable Content Creation

At the recent, inaugural #solopr conference, I really enjoyed the other speakers’ presentations. One of those individuals, Tom Martin, served up a simple but powerful tip regarding content creation. Whether you’re blogging, part of a brand newsroom or just creating content – think in terms of cornerstones and not just cobblestones. Star Wars as Cobblestones […]

Better Than Advertising

Here is an example of employee relations done at its best. Starbucks spends $35 million to infuse its front-line workforce with a proper understanding and feeling for the brand and coffee.  In a huge conference center filled with exhibits on every step of coffee production, Starbucks produces a “Leadership Lab” for 9,600 store managers.  Plenty […]

Who Should Own Content Marketing In Your Organization?

Read enough industry opinion on content marketing, and you can start to determine each author’s professional background. If their point of view is focused on: Interactive: the author tends to be in digital marketing or may work with a digital agency; Creative: a traditional marketer might be chief storyteller, perhaps working with a creative agency; […]

Finger Pointing

It seems Republicans can’t enough of blaming one another for an electoral defeat last November.  Fingers continue to point at culprits, real or imagined, in the Party.  ”If only” is the operative phrase.  While there is benefit from analyzing failure, it is dangerous to wallow in it.  Other elections will be coming soon enough, and […]