Thursday January 2, 2025

Poke In The Eye

Some people only understand force.  There is no reasoning with them, no persuasion, no accommodation except the blunt end of a hammer.  Here is a case.  The North Koreans are spitting angry because the US has chosen to project power near their border.  Let them be.  If they are intelligent or cunning, they know they […]

Different Perspectives

The Indiana Supreme Court upheld a school voucher law over the objection of a group of parents, teachers and teachers’ unions.  They maintained that vouchers would fund religious schools, which is against the law.   The justices said vouchers would allow poor parents to find decent educations for their children.  The unions are right that most […]

Passing Celebrity

Polls show that the governor of New Jersey has a 70 percent approval rating and a 2-1 lead over his opponent.   If the governor is honest with himself, he will expect that to decline before election day, which is months away.  Citizens are fickle.  They want to know what you have done for me […]

How Not To Do It

One would think a politician who gives interviews regularly would avoid wrecks like this.  Apparently not.  The interview is painful to watch.  The host is deadly in boring in and relentlessly focused on the character of the London Mayor.  Yet, the interviewer doesn’t shout or posture.  He softly asks one killing question after another and […]

Faux Pas

Sometimes advertising creatives lack judgment and need to be reined in.  Here is a case that comes under the heading of “What were they thinking?”  Almost certainly, the ad agency was using far-out, edgy imagery to make a point viewers would not soon forget.  The creatives did not realize they had gone too far.  Perhaps […]

Life Threatening

On rare occasions, a threat will emerge that jeopardizes the existence of a business.  The threat might not be the kind that anyone considered and yet, it is suddenly there.  Here is a case — concussions in football.  It is not the kind of issue that league presidents would have worried about, but medical evidence […]

Odd But Charming

Jeff Bezos’ search for Apollo rocket engines under 14,000 feet of seawater has nothing to do with his company,, but it is offbeat and interesting nonetheless.  Bezos is a space enthusiast, and he is using his personal fortune for a good cause — retrieving items used in an historic event — flying to and […]

Hype Versus Reality – Ancient Edition

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt were masters of personal publicity — magnificent temples, pyramid tombs, walls awash with paintings and hieroglyphs proclaiming their greatness.  Modern dictators have emulated them.  The exalted view of themselves has come through the milennia but it is being counterbalanced increasingly by studies into how average Egyptians lived.  The answer to […]

A First Step

So, Republicans are self-critical over why they have lost the last two presidential elections.  They have written a lengthy and trenchant report on what they need to do.  From a PR perspective, that is a first step.  The hard part is getting their own members to accept it, and that is the problem.  Some elements […]

Religious Politician

Pope Francis is a religious politician in the best sense.  He sees himself as a servant of the people, and he doesn’t want to remove himself too far from them.  Hence, hand-shaking, baby-kissing and working the line as all politicians do.  This is refreshing.  The papacy has too long been encrusted with the pageantry of […]