Saturday January 4, 2025

Fighting For Its Life

It is not overstatement to say that Standard & Poor’s is fighting for its life against government allegations of false ratings.  The service might well deserve the negative attention it is getting, but from a PR perspective, the task of leadership is to keep the company alive.  Much of that work will be legal but […]


It is hard to accept but there are impossible situations that trap organizations.  There is no exit and little hope.  This is one.  The article might be a little overstated but it is mostly correct.  The US Postal Service has long been a hostage of Congress that won’t let it run like a business but […]

Cute Publicity

This is a case of cute publicity that positions a brand.  Voting on Monopoly tokens is a way for Hasbro to get its legion of Park Place fans involved with the company and closer to the board game.  That it went viral and other companies got involved is only a plus.  Hasbro reaped enormous publicity […]

5 Tips for Easier Writing – Infographic

While this infographic has five tips to help brands create content,** the tips apply to anyone — including you. We encounter multiple stories on a daily basis, regardless of our job. We just need to look at things from a different, content marketing, perspective.   Full-Sized Version is Available for Download Here. **Strategic Public Relations has […]

Tough Call

Either Bayer spent $2.5 billion developing a cancer drug — or it didn’t, and the company is using fraudulent accounting to protect itself.  Who do you believe?  Bayer or the Indian government that wants to force the drug to be licensed in the country at a far lower cost than the $70,000 annual charge for […]

An Important Step?

Although things are never quite the same as they appear, this might be an important step in Chinese labor relations.  Asian countries for too long have exploited workers and as a result, have become the workshop of the world.  Workers have long realized their condition and are doing something about it.  It is fair to […]

Vine’s Foes, & Most Fans, Are Missing the Point

Less than 10 days after it’s debut, news about the Vine app is a lot like Super Bowl pre-game commentary. We’ve got so-called experts everywhere weighing in on who will win and who will lose. Whether you like Vine, hate it or couldn’t care less whether it thrives or withers, I’m willing to bet you’re missing […]

How Would You Do PR?

Law schools are in the dumps.  Enrollments are down, and there are few jobs for graduates.  Some schools have started to cut back. Put simply, there are too many lawyers, and there will be for some time to come.  So, practitioner, how would you do PR for a law school, particularly a second- or third-tier […]