Thursday January 2, 2025

How To Kill A Brand Quickly

These kinds of allegations can destroy a brand in weeks.  That is why Anheuser-Busch InBev needs to defend itself — and quickly.  If there is a legitimate reason for adding water to beer, it should explain what it is doing and why.  If it hasn’t done so, it should pursue a vigorous information campaign that not only denies […]

Following The Herd

You are a popular governor with aspirations for higher office.  You are Republican.  Your supporters expect you to be against Obamacare and an expansion of Medicaid.  But, the Federal enticement to expand Medicaid is too good.  What do you do?  Follow the herd of Republican governors who have already signed up.  That’s exactly what the […]

What Would You Do?

Here is a case for a PR practitioner with extra time and a propensity for hopeless causes.  How would you do PR for a hated government service that everyone thinks has disappeared, yet hangs on and spends millions a year?  Of course, I’m writing about the Selective Service, the draft.  Few remember it unless of […]

A PR Problem Either Way

Wal-Mart announced that it is sold out of some guns because of surging demand.  That is an interesting PR problem.  On the one hand, Wal-Mart needs to please customers, many of whom are gun-owners.  On the other, the company is coming under pressure, as are all gun sales outlets, to stop arms sales.  Wal-Mart carries […]

Is It Enough?

Along with management changes, Yahoo debuted a new web page design.  It is cleaner and more inviting but is it enough?  Among the challenges of public relations is loss of attention.  Yahoo’s day has come and maybe, gone forever.  It is hard to get consumers to look again once they have moved on.  In that […]

Modern Message Control

This article, critical of President Obama, is a good description of modern message control.  Far from being the puppet master that the article alleges, Obama is a disciplined communicator who chooses a broad range of channels to get his message out.  The authors of the article are unhappy that he ignores and bypasses print journalists […]

Risking The Business

The disabled Carnival Cruise Lines ship is back in port.  The CEO is making personal apologies.  The company is offering refunds to passengers and inducements to return for another cruise some time in the future.  For some passengers, that is not enough.  The idea of going on another vacation with any line is out of […]

That Didn’t Take Long

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, knew he had a tough job following Steve Jobs.  The challenge is getting tougher with sniping already beginning about his views and performance.  Famously, Jobs warned Cook not to think about what “Steve would do.”  That was good advice from a dying man.  What he couldn’t tell Cook and Cook […]

Attacking The Barrel Of Ink

There is a cliche in newspapers and PR:  Never attack the fellow who buys ink by the barrel.  This is precisely what Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, did.  It was dumb.  Rather than testing his electric car to see if it drained energy as fast as a New York Times journalist reported, Musk said […]

PR Ground War

There is a new war between states.  This time it is over jobs and business. One of the more diligent battlers is Rick Perry,  the governor of Texas.  He has aimed his focus on California, the most populous state in the nation but also one of the highest in taxation.  He is tireless in pointing […]