Thursday January 2, 2025

Not The Way To Do It

This story is an example of how not to conduct media relations.  In an escalating war of words, a spokesperson for Mrs. Clinton told a reporter to “Fuck off.”   The media can be maddening.  I can name individuals who cause me to shudder each time they call and whose relentless questioning  is more than […]

On The Road

I am out of the office for the next two days.  I will return on Monday.   Tweet This Post

Religion, Taxation And Perception

This story supports the American principle of separation of Church and State.  Can you imagine the outcry in the US if a local, state or the Federal government collected a tax for a religion?   As it is, German bishops appear greedy and unprincipled for insisting that Catholics pay their annual Church tax.  However, it […]

Trying To Tell You Something

When your workers riot, they are trying to tell you something and chances are you haven’t been listening.  That should be the starting point for Foxconn in China where it just shut a factory because 2000 of its workers engaged in a melee.  It shouldn’t have come to this if management were listening closely to workers’ […]

Are Brands People, Media or Publishers? Ad Age Misses the Point.

Like any professional industry, social media discussions can become unnecessarily “confrontational.” The air quotes are to emphasize this confrontation isn’t heated by any means. It’s usually a keyboard-based back and forth that starts when someone makes a point and someone else splits hairs to create a counterpoint. That’s what happened in the latest Ad Age […]

A Need For Caution

This experiment is a warning to anyone who runs surveys of public opinion.  It is possible consciously or not to change minds through how a survey is conducted.  This is not a new finding.  Politicians have used “push polls” for years as a way to change voters’ minds.  But, the experiment shows that in matters […]

Frisson Of Fear

So the heir-apparent to China’s leadership is back in the public eye after a two-week, unexplained absence.  The state’s failure to say why Xi Jinping was gone touched off enormous speculation and fears about the political situation in China.  Apparently, the worries were needless, but who knew?  Authorities weren’t speaking and the opaque nature of the communist bureaucracy allows […]

Dead Man Walking?

Mitt Romney has learned a hard lesson of modern politics.  Watch what you say at all times — especially among friends.  There is no telling who will turn on you and expose your thoughts to the public.  It that smacks of paranoia, the disarray in the Romney camp today is proof that it isn’t.  From […]

Neat Anniversary Publicity

Roomba has a neat way of publicizing its 10th anniversary.  (Pun intended.)  The robo-vacuum cleaner company has illustrated the dimensions of dirt that its machines have sucked up as well as miles driven, all without intervention of a harried householder.  One can learn a lesson or two from the way the company has gone about […]


There is a category of marketers for whom public relations is of no consequence.  These are telemarketers who disrupt dinner hours, male potency pitchers on the internet, spammers for low mortgage rates and more, much more.  They pay little or no attention to regulations.  They don’t care if they anger 99.9 percent of the population. […]