Saturday January 4, 2025

It’s Not Just Ads Making Dad Look Bad

Along with several other timely Father’s Day stories, I’ve got something to say. But it’s more of a question. Why is the ad industry taking all of the heat for portraying dads in a bad light? Don’t get me wrong, I can’t agree more with Adweek’s “The Demise of the Doofus Dad in Ads.”  Ads have […]


How many mistakes does a company get before customers hold it to account?  If you are Apple, probably more than one.  This is an example of not-ready-for-prime time software that shouldn’t have been released, even in test form for evaluation.  The mistakes are glaring and deeply embarrassing, especially since there are numerous mapping programs available. […]

Not My Doing

Google engineers are hiding behind their code in the matter of data collection while taking street-view photos for the mapping service.  No one wants responsibility although they all had some hand in the recording of WiFi signals.  The lack of credibility is a parable of four artisans before the king explaining away the killing of […]

Long-term Problem

This is a long-term problem for the President, the next President and perhaps, the President after that.  The middle-class of America was crushed by the burst housing bubble.  Retirement funds are gone and any notion of passing wealth to the next generation is a mirage.  The decline will change the way politicians talk about the […]


Politics make for interesting communications challenges.  Take this one.  A former president who fails to hew to the party line during campaign season and whom no one can stop.  President Obama can plea with Clinton to stay out of sight, but Clinton has no intention of doing so — and won’t.  So the campaign has […]

Context + Relevance = An Important Equation

Aside from a low-grade entertainment value, animated gifs seem bent on little more than triggering seizures and furthering memes. One of the only times I’ve used them in a post was about a month ago. The motion can distract from the point you’re trying to make. When I saw an animated gif on Instagram, I wanted to […]


This is interesting.  It discusses illusions that military pilots suffer while flying and the need for simple communications from their instruments to keep them from crashing.  From a communicator’s point of view, it is an example of everyday life.  Much of what we see around us, especially within organizations, has manifest and ulterior motives.  We […]

Tough Choice

The online advertising industry is facing a tough choice after Microsoft’s announcement that the newest edition of its browser will implement “Do Not Track” by default.  What does the industry do? Fight it and look like an ogre invading privacy?  Go along with the decision and watch analytics go out the window?  The future of the […]

Good Advice

Associated Press has new guidelines out on social media.  Much of it appears to be good advice and of practical use to PR practitioners.  Among points is the need to make clear that one’s personal opinions do not reflect the opinions of the organization.   AP has several suggestions and cautions for reporters on the […]