Saturday January 4, 2025

iPad News

More people are getting news on iPads and Kindles.  That should be good for the news industry but it is too soon to tell.  One reason is that the public has been conditioned to get news for free online.  That is the result of sites like Google News.  For the PR practitioner, increased use of […]

Too Much Too Soon

Even CEOs can speak too soon and promise too much only to find they are left exposed and humiliated.  Here is a case.  Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit promised investors a return of capital until the Federal Reserve gave the bank a failing mark in a stress test of capital adequacy.  Citigroup’s stock took a beating […]

How Did It Last This Long?

Now that the Encyclopaedia Britannica is no longer going to be printed, one asks how it lasted this long in the internet age?  Old technologies have inertia.  They don’t disappear right away.  Like tops at the end of their spins, they wobble on their axes for a while before they tilt.  The next candidates for […]

Back To The Future

Before the collapse of magazine publishing in the mid 20th Century, there was plenty of space for long-form journalism and short-form fiction — stories and novellas.  That space is returning now in the form of Kindle Singles, an Amazon program dedicated to the shorter form.  Amazon states it as “compelling ideas expressed at their natural […]


A President can’t forget that the public is fickle and asks always, “What have you done for me lately?”  Here is a case.  The President is getting grief over the price of gasoline as if the executive of the country has magical power to set tariffs at refineries.  There is no good reason to blame […]

Down The Toilet

Eleven years of sweat and death in Afghanistan have been flushed down the toilet by one soldier.  US credibility has never been so low with the citizens there, especially after the accidental burning of Korans a few weeks ago.  As I’ve written here before, the credibility of organizations depends on the lowest ranked employees where […]

Tectonic Shift

It isn’t news that the publishing industry is going the way of the spinning wheel.  The industry has been thrashing like music recording companies and trying to protect the value of its content.  That is why this potential lawsuit is important.  The DoJ is warning the industry that it cannot collude to maintain pricing.  Sooner […]

Good Enough?

Microsoft is coming out with Office 15 that has significant improvements in features, functions and benefits.  This might be a time to ask whether one really needs it and to wonder what Microsoft can say to get people to trade in their older models of Office.  There comes a time when additions to software outstrip […]

Separating Noise from Signal (at) P&G

P&G is hosting an event to “showcase ideas from some of the most well-known and respected digital thought leaders and share a few ideas of (their) own at Signal P&G on March 8 at P&G’s Cincinnati HQ.” Digital’s Connecting Brands with ConsumersThere will be a mix of case studies and interviews from an impressive lineup of brands […]

PR And Business

Here is a perfect example of how smart PR can lead directly to increased business.  IBM’s Watson Computer is going to Wall Street after its successful run on Jeopardy! last year.  Admittedly, appearing on a quiz show was a stunt but it was a brilliant way to show off the capabilities of the machine and […]