Thursday January 2, 2025

Ill Use Of Publicity

Here is a case in which a PR practitioner and/or marketer should have checked first before flaunting an “award.”  The person who gave the so-called award is citing the company for “The most dumb-ass drug promotion of 2012.”  It seems there was no real judging behind the original award, and there was no intent that […]

The Pope In Cuba

The pope’s visit to Cuba is instructive for PR practitioners.  The Castro’s don’t like him and what he stands for. The pope is trying ever so gently to tell the communist regime that its days are numbered.  As one analysis said, they talked past each other.  There is a larger issue, however, that has embroiled […]

Cool It

Cool it.  It is time for Congress, the President and demonstrators to step back and let the law take its course in the case of the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager.  Anger in the black community and the grief of his parents are understandable, but there has been a rush […]

Better Left Unsaid

There are times when one should hold his temper and not say what he is thinking.   This is one.  AT&T, whether it likes it or not, has to work with the same regulators in the future who denied its merger with T-Mobile. Bad-mouthing them in public is a great way to destroy any working […]

Hunger Games’ Social Media Lesson? The Need for Real-Time (Data) and Longer Lead Time

The word of mouth and promotional frenzy around Lionsgates’ Hunger Games has been deafening. It helped the film break box office records — before it even opened it seemed. While I may never see the movie (I’m not the target audience), one thing I’m first to admit is that I really like how the movie […]


What could be more humiliating than to be a stock exchange whose system fails on the day it is going public?  This is the PR nightmare facing the CEO of BATS Global Markets who issued a public apology yesterday for a system breakdown and for being forced to unwind the company’s IPO.  What else could […]

Tough Job

How would you like to be the PR director for this boondoggle?  Building high-speed rail in California’s agricultural valley without connections to major cities makes no economic or political sense.  But, the governor is for it and refuses to acknowledge that it is foolhardy under its present plan.  What could you say to defend the […]

Yesterday’s Celebrity

Oprah Winfrey is learning what it is to be yesterday’s celebrity.  She just laid off 30 people at her cable network.  It is a reminder to communications practitioners that once out of mind, one is gone from public attention.   Viewers move on to the next thing that keeps them entertained.  That was the ironic […]

Slow-motion Training

The New York Times couldn’t bridge the distance to pay per view of its content, so it started slow-motion training of its readers a year ago.  It was 20 articles per month free.  Now it is 10.  What do you want to bet that in a year or two it will be five then each […]

Takes Time

So, Apple’s electronics supplier, Foxconn, is partially cleared after an actor admitted he lied about it.   While that is good for Foxconn, unfortunately it does not absolve the company completely.  Residues of uncertainty and suspicion will last.  A perception once rooted is hard to remove.  What should Foxconn do to rebuild its reputation?  Invite the […]