Thursday January 2, 2025

Pity As A Weapon

There is nothing quite as demeaning as an opponent feeling sorry for you.  Mitt Romney is using pity as a rhetorical weapon against Newt Gingrich.  It’s working.  Gingrich brought it on himself and deserves humiliation.  Romney is helping the process.  There is a good reason for the tit-for-tat.  Gingrich proved himself a bully in South […]

Wrong Message? Cont.

One wonders what the message of the just-completed Davos forum really is.  The elite of the world get together to talk, play and sup.  At a time when the rest of the world is struggling with austerity?  The perception is that the wealthy are untouched by the miseries of others and maybe, uncaring. On the […]

Links for 2012-01-27 []

Tips for Better Listening based on 7 Types of Listeners | Lead Change Group There’s a great stat about how much of communication involves listening. And it’s a higher percentage than you think. Yet we’re never taught about it in professional development of even college. Tweet This Post

Links for 2012-01-26 []

GE Study Proves Consumers Respond More to Shared Content | Digital – Advertising Age Word of Mouth Marketers will simply note this is an online extension of offline word of mouth. Which is just to say that it’s not surprising to see this prove out. But keep in mind, earned may deliver response while paid […]

The Price Of Certainty

This is the price of certainty.  AT&T was so sure that it could complete its merger with T-Mobile that it put itself at substantial risk.  The loss it suffered last quarter was the result.  AT&T is an example of arrogance.  It would be easy to blame the CEO for the error, but almost certainly the […]

Links for 2012-01-25 []

Put Your Taproot Into the Independent Web | John Battelle’s Search Blog Zynga and Causes realize what many others know, Facebook’s part of a much larger picture when it comes to social media and the web. Tweet This Post


For those of a certain age, the memory of Japan as a manufacturing colossus is fresh.  That was then.  This is now.  How the country has fallen.  It is a lesson in the dynamics of global business.  No one is safe for long, and those on top today have to work hard to stay there. […]

Links for 2012-01-24 []

McDonald’s Twitter Campaign Goes Horribly Wrong #McDStories When activists use hashtags, it can be very effective. When brands use them, they need to be prepared to have consumers take them in a different direction — even an offbrand, negative and NSFW direction. Marketers Tease Super Bowl Commercials The days of 1984 commercials are long behind […]


This is useful communications advice but impractical when noise overpowers everything.  Look around and watch people talking on cell phones, listening to music on headphones, watching movies or playing games on their iPhones, tapping messages into their laptops or iPads and occasionally chatting with someone else.  One has to work hard now to achieve silence, to get […]

Baffle ‘Em With Bulls**t

Newt Gingrich has used his considerable debating skills to cover up weaknesses in his life story and campaign strategy.  He is like the salesmen in Glengarry Glen Ross who push worthless swamp land on unsuspecting homeowners.  He relies on the brio of words, words, words to give a shine to his personality that doesn’t belong there. […]