Saturday January 4, 2025

Zaarly: A PR Case Study [Flickr]

prblog posted a photo: Slides from the event are here:… Thanks to Freestore Foodbank for hosting and CincyTech for sponsoring. Tweet This Post

Links for 2011-12-22 []

How To Update Your Blog When You Don’t Have Time to Write | The Creative Department Advertising Agency Blog The best invoice terms to get you paid faster Among WordPress, Posterous, and Typepad, which blogging platform is best for an ‘official company blog’ and why? – Quora Bananas, movie awards and Twitter – Maryland Business […]


When a person’s beliefs get in the way of serving the public, the beliefs can turn evil.  Here is a case.  It echoes what Cambodian communists did to that country, what Stalin did to millions of Ukrainians and Mao to millions of Chinese.   In each case, leadership was convinced it knew better than the […]

Links for 2011-12-21 []

#cincysm Photo Walk – June 25, 2011 – YouTube Brave Ad World – Blog Taylor Wiegert The Guardian on Facebook Tweet This Post

Arrogance Or Inevitable?

The news of AT&T’s failed merger with T-Mobile was stunning even though it was expected.  AT&T put huge resources toward the merger, including a $4 billion payment to T-Mobile should the deal not go through.  From a PR perspective, one asks whether AT&T was arrogant in thinking it could force the merger through or whether […]

Physics Phlackery

This story highlights the fact that scientists are not beyond puffery when it serves their interests.  They are human too.  The search for the Higgs boson has produced its share of hyperbolic statements and maneuvering for credit.  And, calling it the “God Particle” is going overboard, even for flacks.  But, scientists, angling for bigger and […]

Fatal Puffery

Monarchs eventually lose touch with the lives of their citizens.  It comes in no small part from flattery  that distorts their view of themselves and their responsibilities.  That is why the puffery of this man was fatal to millions of North Koreans.  He was anything but a “dear leader” in letting his people starve.  Clearly, […]

Bold Predictions

This study from the USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism is bold in its predictions and conclusions.  One that caught my eye was the death of most newspapers in five years.with only the largest and the smallest surviving.  If that happens, something that is credible will need to take their place and that something […]

PR Challenge

Here is a multi-year PR challenge — getting drivers to stop using cell phones.  The National Transportation Safety Board wants it halted everywhere.  Good luck.  This is an issue in which drivers will and do rebel.  I live in a state that has banned cell phones while driving.  I see constantly drivers with cell phones […]

Great PR, Again

Here is an example of great PR and a community service at the same time.  Once again, it is from Google.   Why do I cite them so often?  Because the firm does neat stuff repeatedly.  It seems to be in the genes of Google to tackle interesting projects in new and different ways and […]