Saturday January 4, 2025

End Of An Era?

One of the engineers who designed the original IBM PC has declared that it is the end of the era for the personal computer.    If he is right, this revolutionary machine had a run of just 30 years, far less time than the typewriter.  Whether or not he is correct, it is good to […]


The picks for the super-committee to cut the country’s budget are looking already like the committee is dead on arrival.  Both sides are sending messages rather than trying to find a way to reduce the deficit.  Look for a standoff that results in automatic across-the-board reductions.  It would be good if the two sides could […]

Can Facebook Reinvent Vending Machines?

Maybe the Bad Pitch blog has jaded me, but it’s rare for a relevant pitch to ping my email. So when it does — it sings. The latest siren comes from the National Automatic Merchandise Association (NAMA). Vend TrendIn 2007, I noticed a lot of interesting vending machine concepts in play.** The above is a […]

Good And Evil

This and this are reminders that any media tool that can be used for good purposes also can be used for evil.  All media are neutral.  It is the intent behind them that makes the difference.  Social media were used earlier this year in the Arab pro-democracy movement.  Now, they are being used to coordinate […]

How Can This Be?

Another year, another good upfront market for television advertising.  How can this be with the web, social media, YouTube, Hulu, video games and all the other alternative entertainment media?  It appears that marketers buy TV because they understand it, and feel they can measure it.  Doesn’t that strike you as rock-ribbed conservatism?  Meanwhile, the rest […]


The US is getting a lesson in credibility and reputation, and it is humbling.  No one is sure what will happen in the markets today but at this hour stock index futures are falling and there is a possibility of another butchery similar to last week.  It would be easy to blame the entire mess […]

Perception And Panic

The stock market is a first-rate example of perception.  Right now, it sees the world headed for further recession so panic rules traders’ actions.  Get out, now!  Those able to keep their heads during the rush to the exits have an opportunity to do well.  The rest of the crowd will suffer loss.  When I […]

Fast Growth

If accurate, Google+ has grown to 25 million users in less than a month.  At that rate, it won’t be long before it is a viable competitor to Facebook.  However, it is likely that Google+ growth will slow once early adopters have looked at it.  The challenge that Google+ has is the amount of time […]

Government Sins

How do you get your reputation back when the government over-reaches?  That is the question these five people are asking now that their fraud convictions have been thrown out.  There is a lingering question whether they might be guilty anyway, and that doubt will follow them no matter what they do next in their lives.  Reputation, […]

Hat Tip

A hat tip to two colleagues, Mike Cargill and Shade Vaughn, for two articles PR practitioners should read — this one about optimizing press releases for search engines and this one, a mini-case study for how not to use social media.    Put both on your to-do list today. Tweet This Post