Thursday January 2, 2025

We’re Not Sorry

Here is $500 million but we didn’t do it.  That’s the message that Google sent yesterday when it agreed to give revenues from Canadian pharmacy advertising up to the Justice Department.  It’s an odd message.  No one is going to believe that one is innocent when he forks over that much money, and the government […]

Back, Barely

Lively times on the East Coast with an earthquake, hurricane, flooding, power outages, loss of water, downed trees and other damage.  From a communications perspective, the mayor of New York and the governor of New Jersey handled their duties well.  They were on the radio and TV regularly.  They went on site to inspect damage. […]

Book Review: Onward… eventually

I limit the number of books I agree to review because I always have a long queue of books to read, and I find that agreeing to review a book changes my relationship with it from being a joy of exploration, to yet another task to be completed – a task that’s now four months […]

Local To National

This is an interesting speculation.  It asks if the same way that one communicates locally can be taken nationally.  The question is being asked about Texas Governor Rick Perry, some of whose opinions are controversial with the national media.  From a new media point of view, there is no difference between local and national.  What […]

Sound the Bell on Pavlovian Marketing

A professional association in the online industry sent me a white paper — via postal mail. It’s a printed piece (thick stock with an even thicker cover stock). And it has two small visuals in the entire 12-page document. What was the white paper about? I’m not sure because every time I tried to read […]


Writing is a conscious act so it is interesting to read how much of the unconscious slips through, particularly the use of pronouns.    This article should be a tip to practitioners to check their prose for the use of “I”, “me”, “my” and “we”, “us”, “our”.  The gender and power relationships that show through […]

The NOW Revolution: Seven Social Imperatives for Business

“The NOW Revolution” written by Jay Baer and Amber Naslund has received reviews from the likes of DuctTape Marketing’s John Jantsch, Chris Brogan and Seth Godin. It outlines how you can retool your organization to make real-time business work for you rather than against you. “You Say You Want a Revolution…”I got a copy of the book […]


When one thinks of social media, one thinks of interaction with another or others.  From a marketing perspective, however, interaction is not new.  It is just expressed in a new format — Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.  Thus, when a marketer plans an interactive campaign, he needs to think of all forms of interaction and not just […]

When Strikes Turn Nasty…

Verizon, the telecommunications company, has called in authorities to investigate what it claims are “acts of sabotage” during an ongoing strike by 45,000 of its employees.  If so, it is not the first time nor the first company to which that has happened.  Yet, the circumstances can be serious, especially if phone service is cut […]

QR Codes: Marketing Hero or Zero?

ComScore’s latest piece of share pr0n** focuses on QR Codes, serving up the headline: “14 Million Americans Scanned QR or Bar Codes on their Mobile Phones in June 2011.” Is that a lot? Well, It depends on whether your glass is half-empty or half-full perhaps. For context, I’ll note there are approximately 312 million people in the […]