Thursday January 2, 2025


This essay is a first impression of using Google+ and an estimate of how it might be employed in PR.  Google+ has a long way to go to be a viable competitor to Facebook.  It had a fast start but indications now are that its growth is slowing as the early adopters have already signed […]

Hard-edged Persuasion

Sometimes persuasion is arm-twisting with threats.  This is one of them.  The Speaker of the House doesn’t have time to be a nice guy.  He needs a supporting vote today.  He has been a good fellow for too long with his fractious party members, and he is reminding them to get in line.  It will […]

Here’s your good deed for today

Although I have always rarely talked about my employer on this blog, I’m always willing to make an exception for a good cause. Today Microsoft (disclosure for anyone other than my mother who reads this blog: my employer) has expanded the company’s software donations program to give more nonprofits access to technology that can help […]

Interesting Study

This study is an experiment that shows it takes only 10 percent of people holding an idea firmly to sway the majority.   The concept is not new to PR practitioners who have long worked with influentials but the percentage may be.  It provides a more accurate guideline for the objective of changing opinion.  However, […]

Content Is Not King

Guess who suggests content is king and who suggests content isn’t king? The answer usually depends on the job of whomever is answering the question. It seems PR people lean towards giving content the crown. Social media professionals give social the monarchy. And so on. For my entire career, I’ve focused on content in one […]

Enduring Misconceptions

That Texas is still having votes over teaching of evolution is a demonstration of how stubbornly people hold to misconceptions.  It should be a warning to PR practitioners who think it is easy to change perceptions.  It isn’t and never has been.  Even when one has total control of communications, there is no way to […]

Brands & Blogs: Building Better Relationships at Savvy Blogging Summit

It’s been almost two weeks since I attended Savvy Blogging Summit with my Empower MediaMarketing colleague, Jessica George. We were asked to speak on building better relationships between brands and bloggers. Empower’s done more than a dozen different outreach projects for clients — online and offline. We posted our presentation at the Scoop.It page we created for the […]

Craving For Publicity

The Norwegian killer of 93+ people is craving for publicity to explain his beliefs.  Norway’s court system has ruled against him.  There are times when muzzling another person make sense.  This is one of them.  Already much is known about the killer’s views.  He has a manifesto and web page detailing his dislike of multiculturalism. […]

Making Sense of Social Media’s Speed (aka: Not So Fast Google+!)

Brian Solis recently posted a factoid on Google+ that looks to be pure powerpoint pr0n. Number of Days to Reach 10 Million UsersFacebook: 852Twitter: 780Foursquare 730Google+: 16 And Google+ is already closing in on 20 million users. Impressive statistics. But after resharing it on Google+, two people were quick to qualify this milestone. Brad Marley: Solis’ […]

Time To Blink

It is time for Republicans and Democrats in Washington to blink and break the stare-down that has been going on for months.   Neither side is paying attention to the public that wants compromise.  Ideologues make poor legislators and citizens, though they might not pay close attention to what is happening in Washington, at least […]