Thursday January 2, 2025

When Is Late Too Late?

The announcement that Google is launching a competitor to Facebook put me in mind of this company.  Both are trying to catch up to a market that has passed them by.  The question that Google and Kodak should be asking is whether they have a chance of catching up and maybe, passing competitors.  The likelihood […]

Google+ First Impressions

Less than 48 hours of field testing Google+ and I’ve got more questions than answers. But here are my first thoughts. DESIGN: The interface resembles a clean version of Facebook. And, while there’s more breathing room now, you can assume the extra space has been reserved for paid advertising. The home page makes sure you can easily access your profile, […]

When Do You Stop Listening?

When do you stop listening to your publics and act?  This is the dilemma facing Greek politicians who are trying to get the country’s debt under control.  Anything they do short of telling the rest of Europe to go away is unacceptable to citizens demonstrating in the streets.  Yet, if Greece is to remain a member of […]

Word Choice, Semantics & Social Media Bullsh!t

Earlier this year I put together some new patio furniture. There were no extra parts, everything lined up as it should. This is not always the case with products noting “some assembly required.” Anyone who’s purchased items from IKEA or put together toys during the holidays can relate to the feeling when things don’t quite […]

Bagging Blogger/Brand Stereotypes at Savvy Blogging Summit

Jessica George and I are hitting the road on behalf of our employer, Empower MediaMarketing, and will be en route to Denver in July as part of the Savvy Blogging Summit. Our presentation is called “Paper or Plastic? Bag the Blogger/Brand Stereotypes and Get Serious.” We’re focusing on how bloggers can create and improve relationships […]

5 Things You Can Learn On A Photowalk

Over the weekend, Cincinnati Social Media held a photowalk within downtown Cincinnati. We had amazing weather for it and, in two hours, I took 120 pics and walked a little over a mile with more than a dozen #cincysm members and Instagram fans. While I’ve planned a ton of events over the years, every one is […]

Invisible Enemy

Lulzsec has signed off and departed from the internet — or so it says.  This is after exposing the private information of millions of users and embarrassing governments and corporations with security breaches.  One thing we know for certain.  Someone will take Lulzsec’s place and the internet will remain a place of invisible attackers.  Everything […]

When Persuasion Fails…

There is a point in communication when no amount of persuasion, bartering and arm-twisting works.  This is one.  So, what do the Vice President and President do now?  There is a hard August deadline that the Secretary of the Treasury says the United States must meet to maintain its full faith and credit with the […]

A Trillion Here, A Trillion There

This article tries to explain the national debt — the trillions the US owes to the world.  But, who knows what the debt really is, and how does one communicate the actual burden?  These are two major problems with talking about the deficit.  It all depends on how you count and counting can be done in […]


Why do people fall into bubble thinking and how does one communicate to them when they do?  Here is a case.  Law schools are turning out tens of thousands of young lawyers for whom there is no work or jobs at low wages.  Yet, young men and women continue to go to law schools as […]