Saturday January 4, 2025

E-Mail Lesson

This story from National Public Radio is interesting because it has an email lesson every PR practitioner should know.  The lesson came after a decision by a local NPR station to pull advertising spots suddenly became a national issue.  Let me quote the advice from NPR’s ombudsman.  If nothing else, this incident provides just another […]

Twitter Media Relations

The communications director for the governor of Florida is using Twitter to talk to reporters with interesting results.  Disputes that used to be handled in one-on-one talks are now 140-character tweets that all can follow.  While some say it is entertaining, one wonders if it is smart.  Calling out reporters and and editors and their stories so […]

Combating Failure

This happens often to companies.  They are heroes for a time then suddenly,  failures.  The magic is gone.  Competitors take away sales and market share.  The companies are put on the block for someone, anyone to buy and take off the hands of an unhappy parent.  What isn’t discussed is how employees of such failed […]

Amazing Publicity Generator

This man is one of the most remarkable publicity generators of the modern era.  One wonders how he does it.  He makes it seem so effortless, and the media are accommodating because they know they will get a good story.  It might be because he takes on big challenges like ballooning around the world or, […]

Who Is The Audience?

This story raises an interesting question.  Who is Google’s audience for Android — the end user or the developer?  One could contend that it is the developer because end users, consumers, care little for how Android works and just want applications that work.  On the other hand, millions of consumers appreciate the various flavors of […]

Fatal Flaw

No matter how it is spun, the fatal flaw of nuclear power is waste.  No one knows where to put it and no one wants a nuclear waste storage facility to be anywhere near them.  From a public relations point of view, nuclear power will have an overpowering negative until practical ways are developed to […]

Capital One Tries to Score with Branded Entertainment

Regadless of how you feel about last night’s game, college basketball season is over. But Capital One’s YouTube Channel Spoof: Visigoth SportsNet promises that “March is about to get Medieval” and it serves as the centerpiece of Capital One’s NCAA-themed campaign. The subjectivity of sports, comedy and timeliness aside, I think this is an important […]

Handling A Crisis Well

Southwest Airlines appears to be handling its crisis well.  It is inspecting its fleet of Boeing 737s for the possibility of cracks in their hulls.  The incident on Friday of a partial roof tear in one of its airborne planes could have been a disaster.  That it wasn’t is a tribute to good piloting and the […]

SXSWi | Friday Flickr Fix | 04.01.11

While you’re sorting through which tech posts are fact and fiction, I’ll just serve up some photos for you. In hindsight, I could have focused just on taking photos at SXSW and I would not have made a dent in event coverage. My approach in the future will be much different. In the meantime, here’s […]

Twitter Stats

If these statistics about Twitter are true — and I suspect they are — then Twitter isn’t much of a tool for PR practitioners.  That is, Twitter shouldn’t be looked upon as a broadcast medium but a narrowcast to selected audiences.  In retrospect, it is hard to accept that 20,000 users get most of the […]