Saturday January 4, 2025

End Of A PR War — Or The Beginning?

Here is a PR and lobbying war that has been going on for five years between two determined parties, neither of whom will concede defeat.  One only needs to read the Washington Post to see full-page advertisements from Pratt & Whitney and General Electric, condemning waste or calling for a fair bid between two different jet […]

Tacky Stunt But Successful

Here is a tacky publicity stunt that works.  The Public Broadcasting System is being threatened with loss of federal monies.  Republicans are behind the move to take the funds away.  Democrats want to score points against the House Republican leadership.  What to do?  Of course, they haul out the characters from Sesame Street for a […]

Twitter And The Media

I missed this earlier but the conclusions are not surprising.  If you want to start a Twitter trend, post a comment about an article from the mainstream media.  In other words, credibility and content matter more than personality and number of followers one is able to attract.  Content, credibility and reputation are verities communicators forget […]

The Most Positive Message

General Motors is awarding profit-sharing checks to its workers of up to $4,000 apiece.  There is no more positive message that the company has turned around and is back to making money.  Nice words mean little to a workforce that has seen the tough times autoworkers have.  They watched GM go into bankruptcy.  They experienced […]

Noise And Messages

How much data is available in the world?  Here is one estimate.  It was about 61 CD-ROMS for every person living on the planet in 2007.  It will be more now.  What this says is that the noise of competing information is not only intense but overwhelming.  It is in this noise that PR practitioners […]

PR And Hospitals

Here is a plea for better PR at hospitals without mention of the words “public relations.”  What is he asking for?  Transparency and better communications, admission of error when it happens, honesty with patients who have been injured, an attitude of openness from the board of directors all the way down to doctors and staff.  Note […]

PR And Hacking, cont.

Apropos of yesterday’s post about PR and hackers, here is a chilling incident in which PR was involved.  The article is long and complex but worth reading for the ease with which a hacker’s collective called “Anonymous” pierced the security of a company’s computers. Tweet This Post

Hackers And PR

Worrying about hackers is not a PR task, but notice the fifth type in this listing of malicious intruders.  These are people “motivated by political, religious, environmental, or other personal beliefs.”  Or, to put it simply,  these are people PR practitioners should be monitoring on a regular basis, if they have grievances against the organization or individuals […]

Better, But Not Free Yet

This story reminds me of another than took place in the 1980s.  In 1986, Audi was accused of building faulty transmissions that caused cars to bolt forward suddenly.  It wasn’t true just as the government has concluded that Toyotas do not have faulty electronic accelerators.  However, the outcomes were different.  Audi was hounded out of the US for several years […]

Watson’s PR Value

Here is a good explanation of Watson’s PR value to IBM.  Watson is the computer that will shortly compete on Jeopardy against the two top-rated players in the history of that game show.  What intrigued me about this discussion is Watson’s recruiting value for IBM. The firm is in constant competition for the best minds […]