Thursday January 2, 2025


This column on some somewhat dated research is a bit depressing.  It seems university students made no distinction between anonymous blogs and those in which the writer was identified. They gave about the same credibility rating to both.  The conclusion of the columnist, based on additional evidence, is that people don’t check for the background of writers. […]

is dead

If I have to read another inane blog post about the death of something – normally caused by social media – I may turn off the Interweb. A broken clock may indeed by right twice a day, but I still see Public Relations, press releases, journalists, e-mail, instant messaging, social networking and about 2,000 other […]

Hands up… all is not well in the world of Public Relations

Earlier this week Forrester analyst Josh Bernoff published a plea to PR professionals to take a stand against unprofessional practices. Compared to many previous rants on this issue and the shoddy practices we’re all aware of, his plea is rational and completely fair. If you work in Public Relations, then you should passionately care about […]

Micro-messaging: A Possible Future

This article is a return to a topic, emerging on the internet, that has implications for how PR practitioners and marketers operate.  That issue is the rise of a new internet addressing system called Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).  Few paid attention to IPv6 until the last internet addresses under the old system (IPv4) were […]

Social Media: More than Twitter and Facebook? Uh, yeah.

The following post is based on a discussion at the Cincinnati Social Media LinkedIn Group. In what seems to be a race to oversimplify EVERYTHING, we’re creating misdefinitions. In many cases there’s simply (a lot) more to the story. Social media provides the latest example. Do you know anyone with “T&F Tunnel Vision?” This unfortunate […]

Global PR Failure

Here is an interesting story describing the failure of scientists to convince Americans about global warming.  The description of the challenge reads like a case study in how not to do media relations.  Included in the discussion is the typical “blame-the-media” excuse.  The article would seem laughable, if the situation were not so serious.  Global […]


This is a portrait of the person for whom power is everything and people nothing.   One can only hope that he falls and is driven from Libya.  From one perspective, he has been honest throughout the people’s revolt against him.  He has said he will crush his citizens and let rivers of blood flow through […]

Talking Might Have Helped

The stand-off between the unions and the governor of Wisconsin is troublesome.  The governor is spoiling for a fight — and he got it. He has made the state the point of the spear in attempts to control public servant unions.  But, in the process of trying to jam a bill through the statehouse, he […]

Social Brands and the Seven Deadly Sins

Companies establishing a social media presence may make some missteps. Some of the brands known for their social presence, including Best Buy and Starbucks, can point to mistakes made along the way and to what the brand learned from it. It’s understandable. Social marketing requires a company to shift from broadcasting an anonymous, singular brand […]

President’s Day

Washington was a man of few words. Lincoln could speak at length and did during the Lincoln-Douglas Debates and in the courtroom as a lawyer, but when it counted at Gettysburg, he was economy itself.  We remember his Gettysburg speech.  The lesson has often been lost on speechwriters who fall repeatedly into high-flown rhetoric, cliches […]