Thursday January 2, 2025

Fortune 100 And Twitter

Continuing with a series of studies in how large corporations use social media, here is an analysis of  how the Fortune 100 use Twitter.  The table for the study is here.  The use of Twitter is not as developed as that for Facebook.  The study uses several measures to show why this is so.  Read […]

A Lesson Too Late

The former head of Washington DC’s public school system is a convert to communications.  That comes after a devastating defeat of her boss, the former mayor.  It is interesting that she was appointed to transform the school system without training in how to communicate the changes she was making.  She created enemies and wasn’t aware […]

Social Media And Revolution

Tunisia and now Egypt have learned the power of social media in forming and launching demonstrations against the government.  Reports are circulating that Egypt has blocked both Facebook and Twitter.  That hasn’t stopped citizens from rising up, however.  There is a lesson here for PR practitioners.  Whatever can be done to governments also can be […]

Emerging PR Problem?

After a successful State of the Union Speech last night, the President probably doesn’t want to see this news.  Yet, it is important since housing is one of the key investments consumers make.  Should the housing market take a double dip, the economy won’t continue to climb and consumer confidence will plunge again. Knowing this, […]

Fortune 100 and Facebook

In 2009, I took a random sample of the Fortune 100 corporations and examined how they were using Facebook.  I’ve just completed an update of that survey, which is here with a table that is here.  The conclusion of the new survey is that corporations are using Facebook better than in the past but they […]

So Much For Hype

The Pittsburgh Steelers beat the New York Jets in the AFC Championship game last night.  You know that.  What you might not have been aware of was the unrelenting hype about the game over the last week in New York.  Newspapers, radio, TV, blogs, twitters were chattering madly about the game and the Jets’s coming success. […]

Beyond Wikileaks: The U.S. Military & Social Media

A tweet linking to the U.S. Army’s Social Media Handbook snowballed into this post. The handbook joins the U.S. Air Force’s popular Rules of Engagement for Blogging as a mainstream example of the military’s grasp of social media. This made me wonder about the Navy’s, Marines’ and even the Coast Guard’s social media presence. While Wikileaks might make some assume otherwise, the U.S. military […]

Same Words, Different Meaning

This is something PR practitioners are familiar with –the use of a common phrase but a different interpretation of its meaning.  For the Chinese, human rights are not the same as they are for the Western world.  While we value Free Speech and a right to dissent, the Chinese don’t.  They see it as treason.  One […]

A Need For Massive PR

What do you do when there is a chance that you can cut off a million customers?  This is the challenge that Yahoo faces as it upgrades its system to the more robust form of the internet – IPv6.  The company estimates that at least a million users of its system will suddenly find themselves unable […]

Strained Credibility

Boeing has pushed back delivery of its Dreamliner again.  The plane is three years overdue and billions are riding on its successful production.  The program has been a disaster for the company.  Everything that could go wrong did.  Its new methods of construction, its use of widely distributed suppliers and its employment of different materials […]