Thursday January 2, 2025

Who Is Responsible?

This is an interesting rant by a journalist on the subject of Google and privacy.  The reporter blames consumers and not Google for inadvertent gathering of open WiFi channels as Google’s cars drove by photographing street views, taking GPS locations and sniffing WiFi.  The reporter’s opinion?  Consumers are idiots for failing to password their WiFi […]

Listen to #mktfyi for Sound Content

David E. Bowman is a social media force. I’ve seen the benefit of his involvement in many projects over the last couple of years, including Dayton’s annual social media confab, SummitUp. In just two years SummitUp’s drawn speakers including Chris Brogan, Brian Solis, Pete Blackshaw and more. Full disclosure: I’ve presented at both year’s events. Our […]

Death Sentence

Mexico is living under a death sentence — literally.   Who would go there now with daily stories like this?  The country’s reputation is in tatters.  There is war in its streets.  Mexican police seem unable to do anything about well armed drug dealers.  From a public relations point of view, Mexico is an extreme case.  Declaration […]

Travelling to Net Impact Event in Michigan

I am off to the great state of Michigan for the first time tomorrow to attend and speak at the 2010 Net Impact Conference at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. A map of Michigan from Bing Maps (of course) I’m looking forward to what should be a great event. I’m […]

Useful Advice

This article is advice on how to report on anything.  It is written for reporters but it applies as well to PR practitioners, especially the first guideline — “Don’t go in cold.”  There is an old saying attributed to Louis Pasteur, “Chance favors the prepared mind.”  Understanding a topic in depth before reporting it is […]

Walmart Taps Facebook, Launches CrowdSaver Social Shopping App

A month away from Black Friday 2010 and Walmart is leveraging Facebook to increase its fan base as well as its online sales. Following in the steps of sites like GroupOn and brands like Dell**, CrowdSaver is Walmart’s social shopping application. Walmart stands to acquire thousands of likes from “fans.” As the brand notes it is […]

Hardly Credible

BP’s new CEO has taken after the media and the company’s competitors for overblowing the leak in the Gulf of Mexico.  While the CEO might be accurate in his statements, he is hardly credible.  BP’s reputation is in tatters and attempts to blame others smack of self-interest.  BP’s best tactic is to keep such thoughts to itself […]

Social Media Brings a Shift in Skills

We’ve all been told that we’re in a constant state of change. It’s a mantra that loses meaning the more it’s chanted in mainstream media, PowerPoint decks, business books and blogs alone. Marketers and brands are finding themselves in new roles. Starbucks is a Digital Network (not to mention a music label). Razorfish is repping […]

Too Little, Too Late?

Bank of America is resubmitting mortgages for foreclosure with an admission that a few hundred were handled improperly.  But, is that confession too little and too late?  The damage to the reputation of financial institutions has been done, and both government and the public are skeptical.  The feeling is that not only did financial institutions make the […]

Anger and Ignorance

There are commentators who say that much of the Tea Party’s anger is built on ignorance — a failure to understand Democracy and the way things are. That may be true, but it also may not matter. If voters cast ballots out of frustration, politicians will suffer whether they are at fault or not. This […]