Saturday January 4, 2025


I’ve been pitched by scam artists like this as recently as the last couple of years.  They tend to go after smaller companies with a plausible sounding proposition until one learns you have to pay for the privelege.  It is surprising that any PR practitioner would fall for their pitch, but since the companies have […]

Reality And Perception

India is eager for the rest of the world to see it as a rapidly developing country.  But, as long as practices such as this remain , it is hard to accept that it has joined the first world or even left the Third World.  In this case, reality is perception.  The reality is that […]


This is an interesting communications technique — using an opponent’s advantage against the opponent.  It could blow up on Obama if he has misestimated the public.   That is, if the Tea Party represents a majority of the voting public rather than a vocal minority, the appeal to extremism won’t work.  It will backfire. One has to […]

Lag In Perception

This article is interesting.  It spotlights a lag in public perception about company directors.  A CEO fails and isn’t able to move to another company to start over.  A director on the board of a failing company can and does move to another without penalty.  While this is happening today, it is unlikely that it […]

Slow Conversion

Some public relations efforts are measured in decades and not in months or years. This is one.  The internet community has known since the 1990s that the system was running out of internet numbers.  No one was about to change from IPv4, however, because of the costs for equipment.  Now we are near the end […]


Is the press release dead and replaced by the Tweet?  Some say it is because it is a faster way to get news out and “everybody is doing it.”  Once again, however, it is a matter of new media overstatement.  The press release might decline but it isn’t going away.  There is a simple reason for […]

Complete Disaster

The California gas pipe blowout was a complete disaster with an unknown number of deaths, nearly 50 homes destroyed and many more damaged, some beyond repair.  Pacific Gas and Electric has taken responsibility for the accident, but how could it not?  There had been sewer repair work done at the point of the blowout that […]

Reputational Nightmare

This is a reputational nightmare for the companies involved, and there is little companies can do about cyber criminals creating 57,000 fake web sites a week.  Banks, eBay, online retailers all suffer from fake sites that rip off would-be customers.  One would expect that these businesses are actively protecting themselves, but the sheer volume of counterfeit […]

Nobody Wins

Nobody wins the perception battle in cases like this.  Hewlett-Packard looks churlish for trying to deny an ex-executive employment.  Oracle looks foolish for hiring the executive in the first place when it was aware of the confidentiality agreements.  HP may have felt that it had to sue Mark Hurd before he entered his new job […]

When Publicity Can Hurt

Widely touted opinion polls show Republicans far ahead of the Democrats in the final two months of the midterm elections.  If I were a Republican, I would pay no attention to them and, in fact, I would be concerned.  Polls these days are notoriously inaccurate,and there is always a chance of a shift in opinion […]