Thursday January 2, 2025

Losing the Perception Battle

Whether Israel is in the right or not, it is losing the perception battle on the international front.  This has been happening over years and the latest incident doesn’t help.  Perhaps it is inevitable given the opposed views of the two cultures.  But, Israel apparently hasn’t been sensitive to the support that underdogs claim in […]

Is Transparency Always Good?

In PR we contend that transparency is better.  Bankers beg to differ — at least with the proposal from the Financial Accounting Standards Board to increase transparency in loan valuation.   FASB wants the banks to mark loans to market value.  Banks say this would create huge swings in value on their balance sheets and add […]

Depressing Publicity

Here is depressing but good publicity.  All the essential figures related to US and State revenue and debt placed on one page as a debt clock with changing figures.  Each has a source reference in case you want to check where the number is from.  Just mouse-over a box and the source appears at the top […]

Growth Of A Simile

Poor Greece.  It has become the new negative simile for the world.  The latest is New Jersey.  But, I’ve seen Spain compared to Greece, Portugal, California and the US Government.  No one has asked Greece how it feels about being the pariah of the world.  The simile is not exact, of course, because Greece’s circumstances […]

Long Haul

Yesterday I attended my niece’s graduation from medical school.  She spent four years gaining a basic knowledge of medicine to get an MD after her name.  She will spend four more years in residency learning how to become a doctor.  She will spend years after that learning to become a surgeon.  Sometime in her mid-30s, […]

PR people: if you want respect, pay your dues..

Is PR a profession?  If you think so then Bill Sledzik has a great post with some bad news for you.  He estimates that we’re 0/5 from the five attributes of a profession. His advice: Follow the PRSA Code of Ethics whether you’re a member of not. Mentor up-and-coming practitioners and interns, encouraging them to […]

Everybody Does It

Why is it that those who are caught in illegal activity use the “everybody-does-it” defense?  Consider, for example, this fellow.  At first he said he didn’t dope, even after he was stripped of his Tour De France victory.  Now, he says he wants to come clean and admit he was doping but what do you […]

Off Monday

I will be off Monday and back Tuesday.  Tweet This Post


This is interesting.  One-in-three regret posting personal information on social networking sites.  What this means is that one-in-three failed to think about the consequences of their free speech.  That would seem about right.  They failed to realize that just because one has a publishing tool, it doesn’t mean one should always use — or abuse […]


“Misspoke” is a weasel word, and it should be banned from a politician’s lexicon, especially this one who misspoke frequently about his past military service.  There is a better word for telling the same untruth time and again.  That word is “lied.”  It is a good Old English derivative.  It is short and truthful and […]